Scrambled Words Game


The Scrambled Words Game is an original project developed as the final work of the course Object Oriented Programming with Java. The game presents a list of scrambled words for the player to guess through their attempts.

Tela Partida em Curso - Nível Avançado

Scrambled Words Game - Match in Progress Screen

The application allows for the registration of multiple players, who can compete against each other in an exciting ranking system.

The game runs in the console, featuring three scramblers and three match dynamics.

The Scrambled Words Game is a gem of software engineering, encompassing CRC Modeling, Tell Don't Ask, The Law of Demeter, Inheritance, Polymorphism, and the Factory Design Pattern.

Additionally, it includes a wide range of automated tests that enable easy code refactoring and high maintainability.

Developed between May 11, 2020, and May 25, 2021, it took 1 year to complete, requiring a total of 667 hours of work.

The project showcases the full power and versatility of Java SE and Eclipse, with its pinnacle being the Timer inner class — which, due to Java's native multithreading, runs in a separate thread but terminates the match by timeout in the main execution thread of the application.

The user registration, as well as the scoring and ranking system, are saved in serialized files within the application itself, eliminating the need for a database.