Scrambled Words Game


Set Player Screen

1 of 9 - Set Player Screen

(allows you to register a new player or select an existing one)

Select Player Screen

2 of 9 - Select Player Screen

(displays the list of registered players)

Select Player Experience Level Screen

3 of 9 - Select Player Experience Level Screen

(allows selection between Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced levels)

Select Difficulty Grade Screen

4 of 9 - Select Difficulty Grade Screen

(allows selection between Easy, Normal, and Hard grades)

Start Match Screen

5 of 9 - Start Match Screen

(allows starting a new match)

Match in Progress Screen 1

6 of 9 - Match in Progress Screen

(displays the scrambled word and accepts guesses)

Match in Progress Screen 2

7 of 9 - Match in Progress Screen

(displays the scrambled word and accepts guesses)

Match Finished Screen

8 of 9 - Match Finished Screen

(displays the Progress Report and the Final Score)

Tela Ranking

9 of 9 - Ranking Screen

(displays the list of players ranked by points)