
Dear Recruiter,
my name is Rodrigo, but you can call me Tog — a lovely nickname that I received at Adecco, the largest Human Resource company in the world.

After two and a half years working with mainframe in an international team, changes in the technological market winds led me to a new destination — one I embraced with courage, for a man can only discover new seas if he loses sight of the safety of the shore.

I spent another fourteen years in vocational education, until turbulent seas, once again led me to a career transition — this time towards development, considered by many as the Mecca of IT.

I spent another seven years working on complex experimental projects — for portfolio purposes and self-improvement.

Dear Recruiter,
thank you for visiting; I gladly accept your help. I am a man who prefers teamwork because it is almost impossible to create software alone. It is a great pleasure to have you on board, but before we raise anchor and set sail, I would like to make one last note.

During the 14 years I served in the vocational education fleet, I directed all my efforts and energy to a single shipyard, the company Microlins, where I spent the happiest days of my life!

If your company considers high employee turnover a problem, perhaps this is a good reason to hire me.
